Policy Brief: Time to Implement: Florida School Reopening Plans Meet the Start of the School Year

F. Chris Curran, PhD
Selena Cho
Lelydeyvis Boza
Chloe O’Sullivan
UF Education Policy Research Center Policy Brief

This policy brief provides updated evidence on Florida school districts’ plans for the reopening of schools for the 2020 school year. Drawing on the third round of data collected as part of the UF Education Policy Research Center’s Florida School Reopening Plans Database, this policy brief documents reopening plans as of the end of August 2020. By the end of August, all districts had a reopening plan, and many had already begun the new school year. Almost 9 out of 10 districts provided a new digital learning option, while several began the year entirely remote. About half of districts statewide provided technology and support for internet access for remote students. This brief considers how reopening plans position school districts to respond to potential future outbreaks of COVID this fall. This is the last in a series of policy briefs that have tracked reopening plans over the last two months.