Sexual assault complaint form army

Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program

This information is subject to change based on updated policies and regulations. Please refer to the appropriate regulations, DODIs and Army Policies on SHARP procedures.

Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program

Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program

Can my D-SAACP certification be revoked?

Yes. D-SAACP Certification can be revoked for several reasons, to include violation of the SARC/SAPR VA Code of Professional Ethics. You can find the revocation reasons in DODI 6495.03 28 Feb 2020, Enclosure 3, 4. D-SAACP suspension and revocation guidelines.

Can we make an exception to policy for the National Guard regarding the 6 week course at the SHARP Academy?

The Academy would not make exceptions to Policy for the NG training. The policy in use today for the NG was determined by the NGB (when on Title 32) - which is currently that they must attend the Foundation Course (80hr). The NG must still meet the AC requirements when under Title 10 (which is the Career Course requirement). That is why they send students to the Academy prior to deployment.

How often do I need to attend the 32 hours of continuing education training to renew my certification?

You need 32 hours of continuing education within 2 years prior to recertification.

I am a contracted SARC. Can I apply to D-SAACP?

No. D-SAACP accepts applications only from DoD personnel. Congress has mandated that all SARCs and SAPR VAs must be DoD military or civilian employees by October 1, 2013.

I am an Assistant or a part-time SARC. Can I apply to D-SAACP?

Anyone providing military sexual assault victim advocacy services must be certified by October 1, 2013. To continue providing services as an Assistant SARC, you must apply for D-SAACP credential.

I am currently deployed as a SAPR VA and am not co-located with my SARC. Who can sign my SARC Recommendation Form?

Seek current SARC first. If not available, seek out installation SARC.

I currently hold a civilian certification through NACP. Can I use this instead?

No. The Certification requirements are similar for the civilian victim advocate program and D-SAACP, but are not the same. You must apply to D-SAACP and submit an application as a “new” applicant—not a renewal candidate.

What is NOVA and what is NACP?

NOVA is the National Organization for Victim Assistance, a 501(c) (3) organization. It is the oldest national victim assistance organization of its type in the United States. NOVA established the National Advocate Credentialing Program (NACP) in 2003 as the first voluntary credentialing program available to crime victim advocates nationwide.

Which D-SAACP Levels (I, II, III, or IV) can part-time SARCs and SAPR VAs apply for?

Part-time or collateral duty, SARCs and SAPR VAs are eligible for all of the D-SAACP levels. Part-time hours can be calculated by actual hours worked performing SARC/SAPR VA duties, including on-call hours. For example, if you are on-call 8 hours per week/per year, the number of hours credited would be 416/per year. If you are a collateral duty SARC on-call 24/7, 365 days a year, the maximum number of hours credited is 1,950 hours/per year. The Memorandum of Confirmation must verify your on-call assignment. If you have specific questions about calculating your service hours, contact NOVA at or at 703-535-6621.

When will I be notified if I become certified?

The D-SAACP Certification Committee reviews applications on a quarterly basis (January, April, July, and October). Within 30-60 days of submitting your application, you will be notified of your Certification status first via an email from NOVA, and then by mail. If you have questions, NOVA can be contacted at or at 703-535-6621.

Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database

Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database


DSAID is a centralized case-level database, which collects and maintains information on sexual assaults involving Armed Forces members. DSAID gives Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) the enhanced ability to provide comprehensive and standardized victim case management.

Are cases where the victim is sexually assaulted by his or her spouse (DV-SA) or live-in partner entered in DSAID?

No. They are referred to FAP and entered into the FAP system.

DD Form 2965 What is DD Form 2965?

DD Form 2965 is a tool that SARCs and SAPR VAs can use to capture information to be entered into DSAID when direct data entry is not possible.

Where can I find DD Form 2965?

DD Form 2965 can be located on the DoD Forms Management site. Select DD2965 after you search the following link:"

Who are the primary users of DD Form 2965?

Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs)/ Victim Advocates (VAs) are the primary users of DD Form 2965. Applicable sections of the form may also be used by Military Criminal Investigative Organization and Staff Judge Advocate personnel to provide required investigative and disposition information to SARCs for entry into DSAID. DD Form 2965 will NOT be completed by victims. SARCs/VAs should obtain information from other first responders (HCPs, MCIO, etc.) rather than ask the victim directly.

Is DD Form 2965 mandated?

The form is NOT mandated by the Department.

What kind of storage procedures do I need to follow to maintain DD Form 2965?

Due to the sensitive nature of the information captured on the form, it is imperative that users DESTROY the form immediately after all information has been entered into DSAID (in accordance with General Records Schedule 4.3, Item 12). DD Form 2965 will not be uploaded to DSAID. This guidance for the disposition of DD Form 2965 is also indicated at the top of every page of the form.

Do all required fields need to be completed in order for case to be saved in DSAID?

It will save, however it will appear on the monthly QC report as an error.

DSAID JKO Training

Login into the Joint Knowledge Online (JKO)

  1. a. Navigate your web browser to
  2. b. If prompted that this is not a secure site, click Continue.
  3. c. If prompted with the DoD Warning Banner, click Ok.
  4. d. Click Login using my CAC in the CAC Login box.
  5. e. Select your CAC certificate and click Ok.

Search for and Enroll in the DSAID Course

  1. a. If directed to the profile page, update your Service, enter your business email address, and click Save.
  2. b. Once logged in, click the Course Catalog tab.
  3. c. In the search field above the Title column, enter DSAID.
  4. d. Click Search.
  5. e. Click Enroll next to SAPRO - US1244, Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) Basic Online Training (0.5 hrs.), then click "Continue" and then launch. A new window will open.
  6. f. Follow the instructions on the screen to begin the course.
  7. g. lick Enroll next to SAPRO - US1245, Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) Basic Online Training (0.5 hrs.), then click "Continue" and then launch. A new window will open.
  8. h. Follow the instructions on the screen to begin the course.

Upon Completion

  1. a. You are now ready to submit a user registration request for DSAID.
  2. b. On a government CAC-enabled computer, navigate your web browser to
  3. c. Click CAC Register.
  4. d. Complete all required fields.
  5. e. Click Submit Registration.
  6. f. Please let you Command PM that you have completed the registration for DSAID access.
DSAID Privacy and Access What type of information is contained in DSAID?

Data about sexual assaults committed by and against Service members. The type of data contained within DSAID differs depending on whether the victim chooses to report a sexual assault incident as Unrestricted or Restricted. Case information is organized into the following five sections: Victim Case Information, Investigative Agency, Subject Information, SARC Transfer, and Incident Detail. Unrestricted Reporting: DSAID contains information, when available, about the nature of the assault, the victim, the subject, and case outcomes in connection with the assault. The signed DD Form 2910 is uploaded. Restricted Reporting: DSAID only contains the nature of the assault. No personally identifying information about the victim or the subject is included in DSAID. The signed DD Form 2910 is not uploaded.

What is a DD Form 2910?

The Victim Reporting Preference Statement. A victim chooses Unrestricted or Restricted Reporting, documents that choice on DD Form 2910, signs, and dates it.

What is a DD Form 2910-1?

Replacement of lost DD Form 2910, Victim Reporting Preference Statement. DSAID is used for case management.

What is a DD Form 2910-2?

Retaliation Reporting Statement for Unrestricted sexual assault cases.

Is Personally Identifiable Information (PII) included in DSAID? Why?

Yes, PII is included in cases of unrestricted reports only. The DoD has an obligation to care for and provide services to victims from the time they report until they no longer desire services. This information is how the DoD ensures they are fulfilling its obligation.

Can a victim or subject request access to their information in DSAID?

If victims and/or subjects want to access information about themselves collected in DSAID, requests for data will be handled in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Can MP/CID become collateral duty VA?

Yes, but only for their MP organization.

How do I get the required information for a victim?

DD Form 2965 contains the required information for entering a case in DSAID. SARCs can use this form to collect the necessary information and provide it to the appropriate SARC who has DSAID access. No copies will be made of the completed form, and all completed forms must be shredded once the information is entered in DSAID and within 8 calendar days of the SAIRO report.

How does DSAID benefit Victims?

DSAID benefits victims as it provides a standardized case management system, similar to the Electronic Health Record. DSAID captures sexual assault reporting and documents the support services victims received following their report of a sexual assault.

How is DSAID different from Integrated Case Reporting System (ICRS)?

DSAID - The Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) is the Department of Defense's authoritative, centralized case-level database used to collect and maintain information on sexual assaults involving members of the Armed Forces, including tracking and reporting on sexual assault-related retaliation data. DoD SAPRO operates DSAID and works collaboratively with the Services to implement and sustain the system.

ICRS - The Integrated Case Reporting System (ICRS) is a U.S. Army's authoritative, centralized case-level database used to collect and maintain information on sexual harassment involving members of the U.S. Army, including tracking and reporting on sexual harassment-related retaliation data. U.S. Army ARD/SHARP operates ICRS and works collaboratively with the U.S. Army Commands to implement and sustain the system.

How is information protected in DSAID?

DSAID is a Common Access Card-enabled system and is accessed from a .mil network by authorized individuals.

Should cases involving dependents over the age of 18 be entered in DSAID?

Yes, unless it is a domestic violence (DV), Family Advocacy Program (FAP) case, or a juvenile is involved.

Should DoD Civilian cases be entered in DSAID if the offender is a service member (SM), dependent, DoD Civilian, or an unknown offender?

Yes for SM and dependent family member over 18 years old.

What do I do if I cannot find my Unit Identification Code (UIC) within the registration module? What do I need to do in order to get a DSAID account?

All users requesting access to U.S. Army's SH/SA managed system are required to contact their Commands Head Quarters SHARP PM or their Installations Lead SARC for assisting in gathering and processing the required documentation for access. Once the required documentation is completed the Head Quarters SHARP PM will submit the package to the U. S. Army SHARP Service Desk for review and activation. (NOTE: The SARC requesting access to the DSAID, ICRS and Catch Systems is required to be register in the systems before the accounts can be activated)

What is the policy for contacting victims after the one year mark of his or her SAFE Kit has passed?

Per DoD guidance, the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) will contact the victim one year after the SAFE was conducted to inquire whether the victim wishes to change their reporting option to unrestricted and 30 days prior to expiration date according to pg.75 of DODI 6495.02.

What level of the victim's command should be notified and entered in the "Command Notification Accomplished within 24 hrs.” field in the Victim Case Information page?

According to AR 600-20, restricted report notifications are made within 24 hours of report to the senior commander ONLY. All unrestricted reported incidents of sexual assault are reported to the first LTC in the chain of command.

What security measures/controls are in place to protect information in DSAID?

DoD has provided high security measures in place to maintain and protect the privacy of personnel PII.

When is a case closed in DSAID?

When the case has been adjudicated and the victim no longer desires SHARP services, which is consist of assistance from the SARC and/or VA.

When is a case no longer briefed at the SARB?

When it is closed in DSAID.

Who has access to the information in DSAID?

SARCs, a limited number of SAPR VAs (by exception), Office of the Judge Advocate General Personnel, and Program Managers can access DSAID. Personnel that has access to DSAID, only have access to the cases that are under their location ID or within their area of responsibility (AOR); an individual that has access to DSAID does not have access to all the cases in DSAID.

Why can’t I upload DD Form 2910 in DSAID?

2910s are limited to 1 MB in size. Also, they cannot be added until after the VA is assigned to the case.

Why can’t I save the details of a victim, if they are a member of the National Guard?

It will not save a National Guard submission unless you save it twice.

Would it make a difference if whether or not a dependent family member over the age of 18 gets put in DSAID if the subject is a service member, another dependent, DoD Civilian, or an unknown offender?

Integrated Case Reporting System

Integrated Case Reporting System

Can I add an informal sexual harassment complaint in ICRS?

Yes, you can add informal sexual harassment complaints in ICRS and annotate informal sexual harassment number on memorandum.

Do I add anonymous complaints in ICRS?

Yes, you add anonymous complaints in ICRS and annotate ICRS number on memorandum. For the same name section, mark “unknown”.

How do I obtain an ICRS account if I do not already have one?

HQDA, DCS, G-1, ARD, SHARP Division, Data Management Team approves DSAID and ICRS accounts at the same time, so you must meet the same requirements that we have for DSAID access.

How do I look up current complainant or subject information (military)?

Real-time secure data lookup of current complainant and reported offender demographic information is done using a web service interface with the Integrated Total Army Personnel Database (ITAPDB).

How do I manage my user account profile?

SARC or PM users may update basic demographic information (i.e. First Name, Last Name, and Telephone Number) using the My Profile page. Other user account information (i.e. User Role). If you need any information associated with your ICRS user account updated please contact the SHARP Help Desk.

How does the reporting module work? What reports are available?

The reporting page allows all ICRS users to access non-PII information appropriate for their role in an exportable format. Two main reports are currently available:

How many roles can an ICRS user be assigned?

An ICRS user can only register for one role within the ICRS application but multiple roles may be assigned to a SHARP user by HQDA. If you need multiple roles, please contact the help desk.

How will I know when my ICRS account has been activated?

Once you have fulfilled all criteria for a new account, the SHARP Help Desk will review your request and either activate your account or place it in a pending status. You will then receive an email that informs you that you have either been granted access to ICRS or will identify the reason your account request remains in a pending status.

I cannot logon to the ICRS application. What do I do?

First check to make sure you have a valid ICRS user account. When you click the CAC Logon button, if you do not have a user account, the application will alert you of this. You will need to fill out the User Registration form to gain access to the ICRS application.

If you have a valid ICRS user account, please note that you must have both the DoD Root Certificate and your CAC identity certificate installed on your workstation. These certificates are digital documents that provide the identity of a web site or an individual. If you do not have the DoD Root Certificate or your CAC certificate installed, you should contact your system administrator. If at any time during Logon you are prompted for a missing certificate or to choose a certificate where no certificate exists, contact your system administrator for assistance.

If you have a new CAC, previous certificates need to be retrieved.

Is ICRS going away?

No, ICRS is not going away, it will continue to be used for sexual harassment complaints only.

What are the reporting options that are available for sexual harassment?

There are three main reports:

Informal Complaint: An allegation, made either orally or in writing, that is not submitted as a formal complaint through the office designated to receive harassment complaints. The allegation may be submitted to a person in a position of authority within the Service member’s organization or outside of the Service member’s organization.

Formal Complaint: An allegation submitted in writing to the staff designated to receive such complaints in Military Department operating instructions and regulations; or an informal complaint, which the commanding officer or other person in charge of the organization, determines warrants an investigation.

Anonymous Complaint: Complaint received by a commanding officer or supervisor, regardless of the means of transmission, from an unknown or unidentified source, alleging harassment. The individual is not required to divulge any personally identifiable information.

What do I do if I cannot find my Unit within the registration module?

Please contact the SHARP Division Help Desk for further instructions.

What does a Role consist of?

There are five main roles: Brigade SARC, Lead SARC, Program Manager – ACOM/ASCC/DRU, Program Manager – Corps, and Program Manager – Division.

Brigade and Lead SARCs can edit all details of any case they can access. Brigade SARCs are given access to cases for their specific brigade(s) while Lead SARCs are given access to manage and edit all cases on their installation (either entered directly or entered by a brigade SARC on their installation). Program Managers for the Senior Commander have the same access in DSAID and ICRS as the Lead SARC.

Program Managers have no ability to edit cases in ICRS. Each level of PM has view-only access to all cases managed by their command, including cases entered by their brigade SARCs or entered by a Lead SARC on an installation managed by the command.

An ICRS role consists of the Role and Code, both of which can be found on the My Profile page:

What roles are available in ICRS?

Currently, SARC roles are available for use in ICRS. Army Reserve units will generally have a Lead SARC at the two-star command level.

What type of sexual harassment complaints should be entered in ICRS?

Formal, informal, and anonymous complaints of sexual harassment will be entered into ICRS. The SARC is only responsible for entering complaints that they are made aware of.

What users are allowed to Add Notifications in ICRS? How does a user add a notification in ICRS?

Only users with the role of HQDA are allowed to add notifications to the ICRS application. To add a notification from the Home page an HQDA user can click the Add New Notification button under the Notifications section of the page. A Notifications form will appear. Fill in all fields and click Save New Notification. The notification will then be displayed on every user’s home page.

When do I add formal sexual harassment complaints in ICRS? Where do I send feedback on the ICRS application?

Please email all feedback on the ICRS application to the SHARP Program Office’s Help Desk.



Are DA civilians required to take sick leave in ATAAPS to take the time necessary for the RR option? When a civilian wants to talk to an EEO specialist, EAP, IG; what do they enter into ATAAPS/tell their supervisor? What policy applies to this situation?

This is the response from AG1-CP. It seems all agree the right status for time spent making the report is excused absence. That is Technically Administrative Leave. The right status for medical care and counseling is sick leave. It seems the employee would tell the supervisors/he needs to go to the SHARP office (or, they could generally say EAP) and the supervisor should allow a reasonable amount of excused absence. That would cover the reporting. In practice, the supervisor would not necessarily need to code the ATAAPS as anything other than "regular" as long as the employee Is not gone from his/her work station more than an hour or so. If it takes longer than that - say, up to 4 hours - it can be coded as Admin. Leave in ATAAPS. More than 4 hours in a single day would probably have to be accounted for by sick or annual leave, as applicable.

Can we have a memorandum explaining how we can spend money to purchase items?

The decision on what to purchase is a Command decision. ALWAYS check with your legal office to see what you can and cannot purchase with SHARP funds.

Can you confirm that Sexual Harassment is covered by the SARC in SHARP program as stated in the ALARACT 007/2012? I have a SOCOM LCdr that is questioning the validity of such as the most current version of AR 600-20 is dated 2014 and still states that EOAs cover SH.

The information is included in the G-1 memo as well as AD 2018-16. The second page, 4th paragraph reads as follows: Equal opportunity advisors will refer sexual harassment complaints to unit SHARP representatives. The advisors will continue to assist commanders in other activities prescribed by Army-wide and command policy that prevent sexual harassment.

Please note, the actual protocol is for SARCs at the BDE level (those who have access to ICRS) to receive sexual harassment complaints but this statement makes it clear that the SHARP program is responsible for the response to sexual harassment complaints, not EO.

Cannot update Pre-Trial Confinement in DSAID and I receive an error when I attempt to close the case, who do I contact for assistance?

You will need to call the SHARP Service Desk for assistance with the error message, and a representative can assist you.

Do Soldiers have to be credentialed before they can facilitate training?

No, however, a SHARP personnel needs to be in attendance.

Does the CID interface update the locations and CID codes in DSAID?

CID does not collect unit identification codes (UICs) or DSAID location Codes. (Note: CID does not have access to the DSAID System.) Information is manually input by the BDE SARC. If you requires assistance you may contact the SHARP Service Desk for assistance, and a representative will assist you with correcting the data.

How can SHARP improve the Civilian pay because Air Force is paying more, and we are losing our advocates to the Air Force?

Title 5, United States Code, governs the classification of positions in the Federal service. This law states that positions shall be classified based on the duties and responsibilities assigned and the qualifications required to do the work. Section 5104 of Title 5 provides definitions for the grade levels of the General Schedule. These grade level definitions are the foundation upon which the position classification standards are built. The grades of federal positions (which drive the pay) must be assigned using these published position classification standards. The duties of each position are compared to the classification standards’ grade level criteria. The existing standard position descriptions for SHARP positions were developed by the SHARP Program Office, and are now under review to ensure that the requirements for SARCs and VAs are consistent, and that the duties are properly described and classified.

How is HQDA SHARP going to work on Civilian Manning issues?

HQDA, G-1, ARD, SHARP Division is analyzing civilian manning in TASKER 125 to ensure structure and geographic location of SHARP personnel across the SHARP Program.

I cannot access DSAID, the link I looked up in Google takes me to a DSAID site, and ask me for my login and password, who can provide me with the information for my account?

The DSAID system address cannot be searched with any web browser, (using a web browser to search for the DSAID website will direct you to a fake DSAID site, the site will ask for a user name and password) you will need to call the SHARP Service Desk for assistance, and a representative will assist you with the link for the DSAID system.

I cannot log into DSAID, ICRS or CATCH, who do I contact for assistance?

You will need to call the SHARP Service Desk for assistance with the error message, and a representative can assist you.

I clean up the data in my DSAID cases every week but the information disappears every week, how can I fix this issue?

If you have an “Investigation Case Number” entered into your case the CID interface will overwrite details of the case. If you require assistance you can call the SHARP Service Desk for assistance, and a representative will assist you with correcting the data.

I have a change to our SHL Number how can I update the number?

If you have a SHL Number that needs to be corrected please contact the SHARP Service Desk for assistance, and a representative will assist you with correcting the data.

I have two subject with the same victim, do I create two different cases in DSAID?

No, the DSAID system has the capabilities of entering multiple Subjects in the system for one victim.

I inputted my VAs information into DSAID and save the profile, but I cannot see them to add them to the case, they disappeared. Can you assist me by adding the VA to the case?

You will need to call the SHARP Service Desk for assistance, and give the representative the error message, and they will assist you by adding the VA.

If a Program Manager at an installation with tenant organizations wants to conduct inspections, but is being told no, how can they evaluate their program?

The host/tenant relationship generally occurs on a Joint Installation. Researching the Department of Defense policies such as DODI 1015.9 or DODI 1344.7 regarding protocol in a joint environment is advised. Often a memorandum of agreement between the host command and the tenant command outlining agreed responsibilities may be a way to build a stronger team.

If a victim who previously filed a Restricted Report hears about the CATCH Program and now wants to submit a CATCH Entry, do they have to fill out a new DD Form 2910 with the CATCH notifications and victim's contact info? (See highlighted areas in the attached 2910 to see where the new CATCH information is located)

I’m trying to transfer a sexual harassment case in ICRS, how do I transfer the case to another SARC?

The ICRS system will allow case transfers by navigating to the “Case Information” Tab within the case you are managing, look for the “General Information” Box in the case, within this box you find a box with “ UIC/Unit Assigned to:” Click on the box and enter the UIC, if you don’t know the UIC, you can click on the “Lookup UIC” Tool to search. You can search by UIC or description, after you find the correct code, click on the UIC to set the field”. If you require assistance you can call the SHARP Service Desk for assistance, and a representative will assist you with correcting the data.

Is there anything in writing which says you can or cannot be dual-hatted working in the Sexual Assault Response Program (SHARP) and as an Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA)?

Yes, the new AR 600-20 will specifically clarify that SHARP and EOA positions are separate. The SHARP D-SAACP, Background Screening, SHARP Training and Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) 1B and 1H Procedures Memorandum dated January 19, 2017, states in policy that EOAs are no longer the POC for Soldiers reporting sexual harassment; that role is now held by a full-time, Brigade level or above SARC.

What are SHARP policies implemented by the DOD?

2021 SHARP Policy Updates Fact Sheet may be found here.

What are the roles of SHARP professionals? NEW!

SHARP Restructure Fact Sheet may be found here.

What is the leave policy for sexual assault victims?

On Oct. 20, 2022, M&RA released the Clarification of Convalescent Leave Policy for Service Members Recovering from Sexual Assault memorandum. This document clarifies existing policy for convalescent leave and encourages commanders and directors of military treatment facilities to use the authority outlined in DODI 1327.06, “Leave and Liberty Policy and Procedures,” to support service members in their recovery from sexual assault.

Why are people still working in positions designated for Equal Opportunity (EO) instead of SHARP?

The new AR 600-20 will clarify that SHARP and EO positions are separate. Chapter 6 specifically states that Commanders are not to appoint SARCs and VAs to EO positions. Congress designated funding for SHARP positions only.

Why do we have both Brigade and Battalion SARCs?

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA FY12), mandates full time SARC and VA in brigades or equivalent units. The G-37 FM General Officer Steering Committee (GOSC) identified selected brigades to receive TDA/MTOE authorizations for full time SARC and VA positions at brigade level. The original requirement for battalion collateral duty VA’s was in AR 600-20 Mar 2008, mandating battalion level collateral duty Victim Advocates. AR 600-20, dtd Nov 2014, continues to reflect 2 collateral duty VAs at the battalion level. HQDA EXORD 193-14, para 3.C.5.D changed the battalion requirement from 2 collateral duty VAs to a collateral duty SARC and VA. The requirement was implemented by a former the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1. After a series of discussions with 2/3 star commanders, all collectively agreed battalions required a collateral duty SARC and VA rather than 2 collateral duty VAs; (the structure of battalion level SHARP positions has evolved over the last several years). However, the new revision of AR 600-20 will reflect HQDA EXORD 193-14 latest guidance of one collateral duty SARC and VA at battalion level. The Army SHARP Program Office will conduct studies in the near future to further evaluate SHARP program structure and geographic position of SHARP personnel.

SHARP Education and Training

SHARP Education and Training

Can an Active Duty service member become a SHARP Foundation Course Instructor (SHARP Trainer)?

Currently all SHARP Foundation Course Instructor positions are documented on TDAs as Army Civilians. If there is a validated requirement, ACOMS may request an exception to policy in order to have a service member serve temporarily as a SHARP Foundation Course Instructor. The ACOM must request this ETP in writing to the Directorate of Prevention, Resilience and Readiness (ARD). Once approved by ARD, the ACOM SHARP PM may request a seat in an upcoming SHARP Trainer Course.

How are student books provided for each Foundation Course class?

Student book orders are based upon the quarterly schedule of approved Foundation Courses that were requested by the ACOM PMs. The number of books required for each class are submitted by the SHARP Academy to the Army Publishing Directorate (APD). Once orders are processed and funded, the books are then printed and shipped directly to the training location or address provided by the PM who requested the class. This process takes between 8 to 10 weeks, and in order to meet the class start times the order process begins approximately 2 months before the beginning of each quarter. The goal is to ensure delivery of the books at least one week prior to scheduled class start. The two main issues affecting book delivery are: 1 - incorrect addresses provided by the requestor; 2 - the training location addressee designated to receive the books is not aware that they should accept them, which causes the books get returned to the printer.

How do I become a SHARP Foundation Course Instructor?

SHARP Foundation Course Instructors (referred to as SHARP Trainers) are Army Civilians filling designated positions who are located at installations throughout CONUS, USARPAC, and USAREUR. SHARP Trainers must successfully complete the SARC/VA Career course at the SHARP Academy. After completion of the SARC/VA Career Course they must attend the SHARP Trainer Course, also at the SHARP Academy. Upon completion of these two courses, they are qualified to serve as instructors for the SHARP Foundation course (80-hour certification) for collateral duty SARCs and VAs. They may also assist the commands with executing their SHARP annual unit refresher training as required/needed.

How do I submit a SHARP lesson learned or best practice?

Observations, lessons, and best practices can be submitted to the Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS) or to the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) on their respective websites, or directly to the US Army SHARP Academy by completing an Observation Collection Form. For more information please contact the SHARP Academy's Organization Lesson Manager, Mr. Richard A. Dennis, at (913) 684-5344 or

How do students get enrolled in the SHARP Career Course?

Senior ACOM/ASCC/DRU SHARP Program Managers (PMs) provide Command Order of Merit Lists (OML) to the SHARP Academy Operations Branch for inclusion on the Academy’s consolidated “Master” OML. The Command OML template is accompanied by an approved Resident Course Screening Document signed by the Senior PM. The SHARP Academy prioritizes OML entries based upon established criteria that include in order: Deploying personnel, personnel selected to serve as SHARP Trainers (when a scheduled course immediately precedes a Trainer Course), and the date of Command selection (military) or Civilian hire.

How do students get enrolled in the SHARP Foundation Course?

Once the SHARP PM validates that the Soldiers/Civilians meet the requirements to serve in a SHARP position and have had all the required screenings completed, the SHARP PM will enroll the individual into the Foundation Course through the Installation Quota Source Manager.

How does a unit or organization request additional SHARP Foundation Course student quotas?

Foundation Course student quotas are determined four years in advance through a process called the Structured Manning Decision Review (SMDR). Quotas for the SHARP Foundation Course are based off of the total number of required ASI-1B positions across the Army. There are two ways to get additional student quotas. The first, preferred means is through internal collaboration between SHARP Program Managers. If your installation has a requirement to conduct additional training, coordinate with your ACOM SHARP Program Manager to see if there are open seats in another course. The second and official means of requesting additional student quotas is to have your installation quota source manager (normally found in the G3 training section) submit a Training Requirements Arbitration Panel (TRAP) request through the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS). Contact your SHARP Program Manager first before submitting a TRAP request.

Where can I find the approved materials for SHARP Annual Refresher Training?

SHARP Annual Refresher Training products can be downloaded from the Army Training Network (ATN) at Note: You must use your CAC Card to access this site.

Where can I get videos to use when conducting SHARP training?

All approved SHARP videos are located on MilTube and YouTube. On both sites, Type “SHARP Academy” in the search bar to see all approved videos. Note: When using YouTube, the “see additional items” search algorithms may pull up inappropriate content. Use caution when conducting a search in front of your training audience. A best practice is to have the video pre-loaded and ready for immediate viewing. There are a number of unofficial “SHARP” products on YouTube, which should not be used. The official SHARP Academy page is titled U.S. Army SHARP Academy and will have the SHARP Academy logo on the page.

Who can attend the SHARP Career Course?

The SHARP SARC/VA Career Course provides instruction that prepares full-time military and Army Civilian SARCs and VAs for their roles and responsibilities at the brigade level and higher. The minimum grade requirements for Soldiers to serve as a SARC are SFC, CW3, MAJ or GS-11 if a civilian. The minimum grade requirements for a VA are SSG, CW2, 1LT, or GS-09 if a civilian. An Exception to Policy (ETP) for a rank waiver must be signed by the first GO/SES in the SARC or VA candidate's chain of command, concurrence from the ACOM/ASCC/DRU SHARP PM, and approved by the Directorate of Prevention, Resilience and Readiness (ARD). All required centralized and local screening requirements have been conducted. (IAW Army Directive 2018-16).

Who can attend the SHARP Foundation Course?

The SHARP Foundation Course provides instruction that prepares military and civilian collateral duty SARCs and VAs for their roles and responsibilities at the battalion level and below. The minimum grade requirements for Soldiers to serve as a SARC are SFC, CW3, MAJ or GS-11 if a civilian. The minimum grade requirements for a VA are SSG, CW2, 1LT, or GS-09 if a civilian. An Exception to Policy for a rank waiver must be signed by the first GO/SES in the SARC or VA candidate's chain of command, concurrence from the ACOM/ASCC/DRU SHARP PM, and approved by the Directorate of Prevention, Resilience and Readiness (ARD).

Who can teach/deliver SHARP Annual Refresher Training?

In accordance with Army Directive 2018-23, dated 8 Nov 18, “Unit leaders will lead the training with the assistance of credentialed SHARP Professionals.” Unit leaders include Non-commissioned Officers, Warrant Officers, Officers, and Army Civilian Supervisors at the first-line leadership level (squad, crew, and section) or higher who plan, prepare, and deliver this training for their assigned personnel.

Additional Information

Additional Information

The following guidance regarding inputting select Subject dispositions into DSAID (for Unknown or Civilian/Foreign National/Contractor Subjects) is from the Legal Officers at OTJAG:

1. When you have an Unknown Subject at the end of the investigation, please enter the initial disposition of "Offender is Unknown" for every case, REGARDLESS of whether the report was unfounded or not. DoD has directed the Services to use "Offender is Unknown" for all cases in which a Subject was not identified. The legal officers have to spend a lot of time filling in this data, and your assistance will help close out cases faster. Please do this now for all of your applicable open cases.

You should select the following on the Subject Disposition page and then save:

2. When you have a Civilian, Foreign National, or DoD Contractor Subject (NOTE: This includes Soldiers who ETS'd before the report was made to DoD), please enter the initial disposition of "Subject is a Civilian or Foreign National" for every case, REGARDLESS of whether the report was unfounded per DoD guidance. The legal officers have to spend a lot of time filling in this data, and your assistance will help close out cases faster. Please do this this now for all of your applicable open cases.

You should select the following on the Subject Disposition page and then save:

* Before the DSAID File Locker is operational - Locate the original signed Restricted 2910. Get a new 2910 form, annotate it with the Restricted Reporting DSAID Control Number of the original form, and have the victim fill out ONLY the fields in 1.d. (9) on p.1. Staple both forms together and retain per Service regulations.

* After the DSAID File Locker is operational - Locate the original signed Restricted 2910. Get a new 2910 form, annotate it with the Restricted Reporting DSAID Control Number of the original form, and have the victim fill out ONLY the fields in 1.d. (9) on p.1. Scan in both forms into the DSAID File Locker.